A SHOP dummy that looks the worse for wear is the latest tool in the campaign to dissuade young people from festive heavy drinking.

The mannequin of a drunk young woman has been installed in the window of Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Claypath, Durham City.

Thousands of revellers pass the library each week on their way to and from the bars and cafes in the Walkergate complex.

The message that accompanies the figure is: “You wouldn’t start a night like this, so why end it that way?”

It is part of the nationwide Know Your Limits alcohol campaign, and information cards with tips on how to have an enjoyable but safe night out will be distributed in the runup to Christmas.

The campaign supports work done by the County Durham Community Safety Board, a partnership of organisations across the county, including councils, police, fire and rescue, probation and health, to reduce alcohol-related crime and disorder.

Anna Lynch, locality director of public health, said: “We hope this campaign will make young women more aware of their actions and take steps to look after themselves.

“It’s not about telling young women to avoid alcohol altogether but to know their limits and think about their behaviour when they have been drinking so that they have a happy and safe Christmas.”