Despite countless studies consistently proving the important part reading plays in the development of children and young people, the number of secondary school students who read frequently is still startlingly low, which is largely due to many students lacking access to books outside of school. 


Consequently, it is becoming increasingly important for schools to offer facilities enabling children to access books and reading material, as these opportunities eliminate many of these barriers to reading. 


Reading is so vital for young people as proficiency with reading is heavily linked to success in many other aspects of academia (due to its impacts on writing, speaking, cognitive function and memory); for example, the single biggest predictor of high academic achievement is how well a student can read. Not only this, reading is proven to be excellent for mental health and wellbeing, as it is a great way to relax and wind down after a busy day. 


With this in mind, in October 2023, Tanfield School’s library was officially opened by school governor Cllr Joyce Charlton, Cllr Ted Henderson and all of Tanfield’s reading ambassadors, who are students especially chosen to oversee its running. The intention is that this library offers a space for all students to use as they please, whether to complete homework, read quietly, or even to choose a book to take home. Furthermore, the room also provides an opportunity for reading intervention, where staff work to raise the reading ages of some of the school’s pupils.


Aspiring to make the space “cheerful, welcoming and friendly” to everyone, the staff taking on the project dedicated great effort to decorating the library with vibrant colours and lively artwork; it was a definitive ambition that students feel the library is “their space to use”. Work from past reading competitions is proudly displayed on the walls, whilst a mural of a tree was chosen to help encourage students to leave book reviews, helping others to gain a better understanding of reading material in which they may be interested. This artwork was painted especially for the library by one of the school’s former art teachers. 


On top of this, the reading ambassadors are responsible for putting together all of the book displays, which are often linked to various calendar events (such as Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Day). 


Some recommendations from staff for young people include books by authors such as Neil Gaiman, Michael Morpurgo and John Green, as their books are often full of interesting adventures, as well as twists and turns which are likely to keep the readers on the edge of their seats.  


According to Dickens, “We never tire of the friendships we form in books”, and the staff operating the library hope that Tanfield can now offer its own students the fantastic opportunity to develop their interest in reading and feel the benefits it offers.