A North East firefighter is bringing an end to his 24-year career which saw him work to keep his community safe even after tragedy.

Dave Irwin, 50, has retired from the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (TWFRS) after serving as a crew manager with Red Watch at Birtley Community Fire Station.

Mr Irwin lost his son Ross, 22, after he drowned in the River Wear at Fatfield, Washington, following a night out with his friends on December 23 2016.

The Northern Echo:

It was believed he lost his footing on the water’s edge along the river bank after leaving.

His career as a firefighter began in 2000 and saw him respond to countless fires, road traffic accidents and rescues over the last two-and-a-half decades.

Mr Irwin has regularly supported water safety campaigns in recent years.

Mr Irwin said: “It feels quite surreal at the moment knowing that I’m leaving a role that has played such a big part in my life.”

“It has been thoroughly enjoyable serving the people of Tyne and Wear, and I can honestly say that I’ve made some life-long friendships along the way.

The Northern Echo:

“But it has been the support from fellow firefighters towards myself and my family after Ross’s death that I will never forget as they have been unbelievable.”

Mr Irwin helped to oversee the installation of vital lifesaving throwline equipment along the stretch of the River Wear where his son lost his life.

His work also saw him taking on a sponsored walk up England’s tallest mountain, Scafell Pike.

The fundraiser raised over £3,000 for the purchase of essential water safety equipment, which was matched by Sunderland City Council.

Before joining TWFRS, he spent six years as a firefighter in the Royal Air Force at RAF Scampton, and three years at Newcastle Airport.

The Northern Echo:

Mr Irwin worked at Birtley, Rainton Bridge and Washington Community Fire Stations alongside a spell at the Brigade’s Training Centre.

He said he wanted to educate people about the dangers of cold water shock and help save more people from the fate of his son.

He added: “I’m extremely proud of what we’ve managed to achieve because it’s really important for people to learn about the dangers of cold water shock.

“As what we found out to our sorrow, is that most of the recent drownings in regional waterways could’ve been prevented.  Especially if those individuals had the knowledge about the deadly combination of alcohol consumption and the freezing North East waters.

The Northern Echo:

“Hindsight is a wonderful thing but there’s never a day goes by when I don’t ask myself what if?

“What if Ross hadn’t of slipped and ended up in the water? But as I don’t have magic wand I can’t turn back time. 

“But what I do have is the opportunity to help educate and warn people of all ages about the dangers of the water, and the impact it can have on so many lives, not just the victims themselves but also the friends and family they are leaving behind.”

Dave said he’ll still be supporting regional and national awareness events such as “Don’t Drink and Drown” organised by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS), and other campaigns delivered by the Fire Service and the RNLI.

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Dale Howey, head of learning and development, said: “When a firefighter retires, we like to look back and celebrate their achievements, and in Dave’s case, he is leaving us with a lasting legacy that will continue to save lives for years to come.

“Not only through the training that he delivered to fellow firefighters. The incidents he attended as an operational firefighter.  The friend he has been to myself and so many other people in the Service.  But also the vital water safety campaigning that he championed in memory of his son, Ross.

“We wish Dave all the best for his retirement and the next chapter in his life.”