With warmer weather being more consistent around the UK in recent weeks many people will be enjoying the higher temperatures, but that won't always be the case for animals.

Lasting periods of dry weather can take their toll on animals like birds and hedgehogs as they struggle to find water.

It's because of this that households across the UK are being recommended to leave a bowl of water outside in their garden or driveway for animals to access.

The hope is that by leaving out a bowl of water, creatures like foxes, hedgehogs, birds and even bees and wasps can more easily find a place to quench their thirst during the summer months, Birmingham Live reports.

The Northern Echo: Hedgehogs can sometimes struggle to find water in warmer monthsHedgehogs can sometimes struggle to find water in warmer months (Image: Canva)

One Reddit user u/Emehen advised: "If you have a garden, try to leave a bowl of water out. Wildlife suffers from this heat as much as we do."

The post prompted other Reddit users to follow suit, as u/byjmini said: "Went and put some large saucers out after work yesterday once I saw this post. Didn’t take long for the birds to take advantage."

What do The Wildlife Trust have to say on the matter?

Meanwhile, The Wildlife Trust says: "During hot summer weather, it is important to have plenty of water for animals and birds to drink and bathe in. But don’t stop there!

"It is also important to keep the water topped up during the chilly winter months as sources of water can become frozen and more difficult to find. If you install a bird bath, make sure it has gradual edges and is roughly textured.

"If you want to go the extra mile, hanging a drip jug above your bird bath will attract more birds as they hear the dripping water."

They also recommend placing water for birds near a shrub or tree as they like to approach from a place of safety.

Keep the bowl of water topped up throughout the warmer months and it could help boost the survival chances of certain animals.