A woman who placed in the finals of the Miss England competition and is the current reigning Miss Newcastle was punched and kicked while on a night out with friends.

Corel-Jo Antwhistle was out with her two friends in Newcastle City Centre and after enjoying themselves at a nightclub, they stopped at a Mcdonald's to get a takeaway.

While standing at the counter, Ms Antwhistle was kicked from behind by a hooded man – in what has been described as an “unprovoked” incident.

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Ms Antwhistle took a picture of the man before he hit her in the face and wrestled with her to steal her phone, ripping her fingernails in the process.

The attack was caught on CCTV and through ID checks with the nightclub, the male was identified and tracked to a London address and now faces arrest.

Ms Antwhistle and her friends have received training in self-defence and are set to launch a female protection group to patrol bars and nightclubs in the centre of Newcastle.

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The group aims to offer help and assistance to females who are vulnerable.

The group will be called Think Us and have set up a social media page to promote themselves to females in Newcastle

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