FUNDRAISERS have handed over to hospital staff a £49,000 laser scanner, which will be used to give potentially life-saving treatment.

Surgeons received the piece of equipment, paid for by volunteers from the Friends of the Friarage Hospital, in Northallerton, at a ceremony this morning.

The machine will be used in the hospital's urology department, to treat complaints such as tumours and kidney stones.

It will increase the number of urology procedures carried out at the hospital, potentially saving patients from having to travel further afield for treatment.

Consultant urologist Raj Gowda received the scanner from friends representatives at the ceremony, which was also attended by Glenys Marriott, chairwoman of South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust.

Addressing the assembled group, Mr Gowda said: "I am delighted to have this very useful piece of kit, which has been paid for by the Friends.

"We will be using it to treat stones in the urinary tract. The laser quite literally zaps the stones, turning them to dust.

"It will also be used for treating small tumours, for example in the kidney.

"I am very grateful to you all for helping to raise this money for us."

The Friends group has raised more than £3m for the hospital in recent years, and paid for the laser with the profits from the hospital shop.

Reverend Ted Spiller, a member of the group, was first treated for cancer at the hospital in 1996.

He said: "There have been times when, like other sufferers, I had to travel past our local hospital to Teesside for treatment, because the Friarage lacked the surgical equipment, such as ureteroscopes and lasers "This hospital now has all of that, so there is now no need for the inconvenient journey for patients and their visitors."

Hospital manager Richard Clayton, who also attended the handing-over ceremony, said: "I am impressed by the pride, passion and effort everyone has put into raising this huge amount.

"It really is amazing, the support received from local people for the hospital, and I would like to thanks the Friends for their magnificent efforts on our behalf, and everyone who supported them."