AN estate agent uncovered a cannabis farm in north Durham as he took a prospective tenant around.

Richard Parker, 33, from Consett, was showing the man a stone-built property in Annfield Terrace, in Catchgate, on Saturday.

He realised something was odd as soon as he opened the front door.

Mr Parker, who has worked for Pattinsons in Consett for two years, said: "I got hit with a wave of heat and could hear the rustling of tin foil on the walls.

"It looked like a greenhouse in there and I had a pretty good idea what it was. Needless to say, I did not go any further with the viewing.

I just said someone is up to something they shouldn't be' and we left."

Mr Parker called police who raided the property and recovered 320 cannabis plants in almost every room in the threebedroomed house.

After further inquiries, they also raided a house in North Thorne, in Shield Row, and found 365 plants. Detectives estimate the haul is worth £685,000.

Mr Parker said: "As a dad of four, you don't want to have this sort of thing in your community."

Two Chinese women were arrested by police and appeared in court yesterday charged with being concerned with the production of cannabis.

Consett magistrates remanded 28-year-old Yu Yang and 25-yearold Ping Ming Fan, until Friday when they are to appear at Peterlee Magistrates' Court.

Detective Inspector David Scott appealed for private landlords to get in touch with the police if they had concerns about any of their tenants.

He said: "At both houses there have been alterations made to the structure to provide enough room for the growing equipment and the plants.

"This damage will cost a fair sum of money to put right before the properties can go back on the market.

"We would ask landlords to be on their guard against people coming from out of the area who want to rent for only a short term and are paying cash upfront, especially if they do not want any visits made to the property."