THE rhythm of life in Africa was experienced by parents and their children at a school concert yesterday.

Pupils from five primary schools in Middlesbrough have been studying the culture, heritage and habitat of the continent.

Project co-ordinator Claire Tiffany said the idea was for children in different schools to work together to experience cultures and appreciate their similarities and differences.

Africa is the third continent that the year four pupils from Hemlington Hall, Viewley Hill, St Gerards, Newport and Sacred Heart primary schools have been studying for a week.

Yesterday, the Afrikan Fusion group visited Viewley Hill to help stage a concert to show off what the children had learnt through drumming, chanting and singing.

Three mothers of children from Sacred Heart school turned up in traditional African dress and joined in the performance which inspired other parents, teachers and children to get up out of their seats too.

Mrs Tiffany said: "Everyone had a lot of fun."