SEVEN people have been given long service awards for contributing the equivalent of 150 years service to the Samaritans between them.

Steve Evans, the charity's national chairman, presented the awards at the annual meeting of the Northallerton and the Dales branch at the United Zion Reformed Church, North Yorkshire.

Margaret Crelling is the longest serving member of the branch, having joined in September 1976. The others have given about 20 years service each.

Volunteers commit to doing four hours a week and between them they have devoted 6,000 hours to helping those in crisis.

Of the seven Samaritans honoured, six are listeners and one a major fundraiser. As well as taking calls from people in distress, the branch responds to emails and offers face to face counselling.

It began work in the town more than 30 years ago and has been at its current Crosby Road site since 1976.

Volunteers also visit the local prison and local schools, give talks to local groups and raise money to keep the branch going.

Mr Evans said: "Many people think that Samaritan branches are Government funded but each individual branch has to raise its own funds entirely through local support.

"Northallerton branch costs around £18,000 per year to run and the Friends of Samaritans work tirelessly in support of it."

Branch director, Mark de Cosemo, said: "All our volunteers give their time so generously but the amount of work that has been done over the years by the volunteers who were honoured at the AGM is just amazing, especially those who also belong to the fundraising Friends of Samaritans.

"Without them we wouldn't be able to run our crisis helplines at all. It's absolutely right that their dedication should receive this recognition."

There are 55 volunteers at the branch many of whom also raise funds. And there are several dedicated fundraisers who help with street collections and flag days and events.

Anyone who would like to join the Samaritans or the Friends of Samaritans can call 01609-776161 for an information pack and details of the next in-house training event.