TO raise the aspirations of young people in the county, highlight future career choices, and encourage them to stay within the county, #MYFUTUREISDURHAM has spoken to local people who have forged successful careers in the county.

These advocates provide real-life examples of what can be achieved, and act as role models for the next generation. The message will be taken into schools to engage directly with schoolchildren, teachers and parents, during week commencing May 20, as part of an initiative between Durham County Council and the Northern Echo.

Gordon MacPherson

Gordon MacPherson was born in 1979, and his early days were spent in Easington Colliery, before later moving with his family to Easington Village. His dad started as a miner at the colliery, but he had greater aspirations and quickly moved up to be an Overman. As well as looking after the family, Gordon’s mum also worked as a sewing machinist at the local Dewhirst factory.

Gordon’s schooling started at Easington Church of England Primary, which he remembers very fondly, before moving on to Easington Comprehensive, where he admits to being a bit of a day-dreamer.

Having a love of the sciences, his first ambition was to be a surgeon. He studies physics, biology and chemistry at Peterlee College, before going on to the University of Huddersfield to do a degree in Molecular Cellular Biology.

Undecided about his future by the time he completed his degree, he applied for a variety of jobs before accepting a position with the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham. After honing his science skills here, he moved to Cancer Research UK in Sheffield as a Research Technician.

Back at home, Gordon’s dad had set up his own Health and Safety business, following the pit closure. When Gordon moved back to the North-East in 2006, he retrained and joined the company, Seaham Safety Services, to work with his father.

Five years ago, he co-founded his own start-up company, Moralbox, of which he is CEO. It focuses on resolving health and safety training management issues in high-risk companies, and making them more efficient and safer places to work.

Gordon says that he has always worked hard, and attributes this to his own father’s ambition and strong work ethic. He recognises that the North-East offers huge possibilities for businesses and is happy to have his company based here.

He says: “My heart has always been in the North-East, it’s a great place to be and I have so many fond memories. I always planned to move back here to be closer to my family, and to raise our son here makes it extra special.”

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