AN event to celebrate 15 years of work to improve and promote public footpaths is being held today.

Celebrate P3, which is taking place at County Hall, Durham, marks the 15th anniversary of the Durham County Council Parish Paths Partnership - known as P3.

Members of the organisation are gathering to celebrate improvements and promotions achieved by local P3 groups and give members the opportunity to learn new skills, attend workshops and hear about historic maps.

The body is a partnership between the county council, parish and town councils and local community groups, which seeks to improve and promote public paths in the county.

More than 80 parish and town councils and community groups have benefited from P3 since 1992.

Elaine Field, the council's P3 officer, said: "The scheme is a valuable part of the work undertaken by our access and rights of way team.

"Applications can be made to P3 for one-off projects or for maintenance work such as vegetation clearance, and many physical works on public rights of way can receive 100 per cent grants.

"From small beginnings 15 years ago, P3 has blossomed and in the last five years alone, numerous stiles, bridle and kissing gates have been installed, along with interpretation panels and walks leaflets."

Anyone who would like more information about the scheme can call Elaine Field on 0191- 383-3355.