A POLICE force facing funding cuts of nearly £10m fears the move could affect its performance levels.

The Government plans to give extra funding to poorer performing forces meaning North Yorkshire Police could miss out.

If the current proposals are agreed the force stands to lose £9.7m in funding starting from next year.

North Yorkshire Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell fears: "These changes could be devastating for North Yorkshire Police if they were brought in and would certainly impact on the level of service we could deliver to people in North Yorkshire and York.

"Over recent years we, with the public's help through the council tax, have put North Yorkshire Police on a relatively stable financial footing. This move could potentially undermine this position.

"Our current financial plans show that we are in any event facing a 5m budgetary gap next year, which we are planning to manage through a stringent analysis of all areas of service.

"However, any further reductions in grant will put real pressure on our ability to continue to develop safer neighbourhoods - if indeed we can sustain existing levels, which is doubtful - and will certainly preclude any further investment in protective services."

In the current year North Yorkshire Police Authority was given 73m in Government funding.

Chairman of the authority Jane Kenyon said: "We will be seeking urgent talks with the Home Secretary and our MPs to ensure that they are fully aware of the potential implications for policing in this area.

"We would like a mature dialogue with Government about the future funding of the service so as to be able to play as full a part as possible in delivering the public's expectations."