POLICE in Darlington have nearly doubled their stock of cones just a week after launching an amnesty for their return.

Hundreds of yellow traffic cones have gone missing across Darlington and County Durham in the past year.

They are often taken by trophy-hunters or kept by businesses after the cones were left outside their properties.

Last week police in the county tried to replenish their stock of cones by urging people to return them without any questions asked.

PC Jonathan Stoker, of Darlington police, said in less than a week he had already increased the number from 50 to 85.

He said: It is a good start. If I get more than 100 in then I would be over the moon so I am a third of the way to the first target.

He said most of the cones had been returned by businesses.

Police often put out cones for people wanting to control traffic for deliveries, as well as major events.

They hoped toe boost the number of cones before a series of events during the autumn including Darlington FC home games and the fireworks display at South Park.

People can report missing cones to PC Stoker on 0845-60-60-365, extension 6714120, email the force via the website www.durham.police.uk, or return them to the station.