PEDESTRIAN access to Newburn Bridge, in Newcastle, is now open following damage caused by a burst water pipe.

The bridge had to be closed to vehicles and pedestrians last Monday after a major water pipe burst caused flooding and structural damage.

Damage to the main water pipe and historical bridge could around two months to repair.

No vehicles will be allowed on the bridge until the repairs are complete, but the council say that pedestrian access is now available from Friday evening.

Cllr Arlene Ainsley, cabinet member for transport and air quality at Newcastle City Council said: “Our investigations on the structural damage to the bridge has revealed damage to the bridge abutment and the adjacent river embankment which will have to be repaired. Northumbrian Water’s pipe will also need repairing before we can start the bridge repairs.

“As the 120-year old bridge provides a vital link for communities across the Tyne in the west of the city, we were keen to get the pedestrian access opened as soon as possible.

“Unfortunately, the damage to the bridge abutment is too excessive to allow vehicles on while we complete our repairs so cars will need to follow the signed diversion route.

“We appreciate that this creates a long diversion and adds to journey times for vehicles but we would like to reassure drivers that we are working closely with Northumbrian Water to get the bridge fully operational as soon as possible and would ask motorists to please bear with us.”