TWO tubs of ice cream cost a businessman almost £370 after he was caught trading without a licence.

Brian Trinder was seen serving customers from an ice cream van parked near the entrance to Birch Place, Esh Winning, last October, a hearing at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court was told.

Licensing officers from Durham County Council saw Trinder pull up in the BT Ices vehicle before handing the two tubs over to a member of the public who paid for the items.

The officers asked Trinder, of Durham Road, Esh Winning, to produce a copy of his street trader’s licence but he admitted that he did not have one.

The 43-year-old did not appear before magistrates at Newton Aycliffe but pleaded guilty by post. He was fined £137 and ordered to pay £202 in costs and a £30 victim surcharge.

Joanne Waller, Durham County Council’s head of environment, health and consumer protection, said: “Traders must have a licence in order to ply their trade in specific locations in the county, including this area of Esh Winning.

“We regularly carry out checks to make sure people have the correct paperwork and this case demonstrates the potential consequences of not having the required licence.”