A CASH boost of £650,000 will see start of a five-year action plan to breathe new life into the centre of a market town.

The Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone will focus on town centre buildings that have suffered in recent years due to the decline in retail.

The scheme, led by Durham County Council and Historic England, will help to bring neglected buildings back in to use, rejuvenate public spaces and involve local people in the plans.

The Heritage Action Zone includes the historic market place and high streets, including Newgate Street and Fore Bondgate, plus other parts of the conservation area, including Auckland castle and park.

Catherine Dewar, planning director for Historic England in the North East, said: “We’re really excited about this project having worked with Durham County Council and other local partners in the town for a number of years. Bishop Auckland is so rich in heritage and has some wonderful buildings – we want to make the most of this potential for the good of the town and the community.”

The town's history dates back to Roman times, then for centuries it became the home of the Bishops of Durham.

The current Bishop of Durham Paul Butler, the chair of the Brighter Bishop Auckland Regeneration Partnership, said: “We’re very proud that our Heritage Action Zone is now off the ground. We’re looking forward to involving local groups to really make the most of this scheme and to ensure that it benefits people in the area. We want to help make Bishop Auckland a place with a thriving town centre attractive to locals and visitors alike.”

Anyone with stories and photographs of Bishop Auckland that they would like to share, can send them to bishopaucklandhaz@durham.gov.uk