AT just 12 weeks old Ava Pattison had surgery for a cleft lip.

Now, at the age of five she inspiring people throughout her community to back a charity campaign close to her family's heart.

Last week Ava led an assembly at her school Victoria Lane Academy, in Coundon, near Bishop Auckland, during Cleft Lip and Palate Awareness Week 2018.

And on Friday staff and pupils- including Ava's brothers Laiten-Jay, eight, and McKenzie, six- along with those at nearby St Joseph's RCVA Primary School and Coundon and Leeholme Early Years Centre held a non-uniform day and sold charity wrist bands.

Together they raised £245 for the Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) which helped Ava's parents Emma and Ryan by providing information and special bottles to feed her as a baby.

Mrs Pattison said it had been a shock to the family when she was born with a cleft lip but it soon became part of who she was.

She said: "For a while I was unsure about her having an operation, I didn't want to change my baby.

"But we went ahead and I'm pleased we did because she hasn't had any problems with it since.

"You can hardly tell to look at her but if people ask about the scar she says she had a poorly lip."

Ava enjoys taking part in pageants which have helped her raise more than £2,000 for various charities, but none are closer to her family's heart than CLAPA.

Mrs Pattison said: "Until it affects you, most people won't know much about cleft lip and palate.

"CLAPA helped us and do so much work, we wanted to help them out.

"We're lucky, Ava is fine now and you can't really tell she ever had it but it can be more serious."

Mrs Pattison said a boy they know with a cleft lip has had speech, breathing and ear problems.

Jane Richardson, headteacher at Victoria Lane Academy, said: "The three education establishments wanted to work together to support Ava and Emma, who works in both schools and has links to the early years centre.

"It is a lovely, supportive and generous community when it comes to charity and we all feel it is really important to raise awareness in schools and to be inclusive."