A TAXI driver has admitted causing the death of a father-of-three by careless driving on New Year’s Eve.

Keith Young, 60, pleaded guilty to killing Leslie Hebdon during a short hearing at Durham Crown Court on Tuesday.

Mr Hebdon was on Front Street, in Tudhoe, near Spennymoor, when he was hit by Young’s white Nissan Qashqai at around 11.30pm on December 31, 2016.

The Northern Echo: RESPONSE: Emergency services on Front Street, in Tudhoe, on New Year's Eve two years ago following the death of Leslie Hebdon

RESPONSE: Emergency services on Front Street, in Tudhoe, on New Year's Eve two years ago following the death of Leslie Hebdon

Last month Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court heard Young had dropped off a fare at the Gala Theatre in Durham and was travelling up the bank towards Spennymoor on its way back to the taxi office in Bishop Auckland.

Appearing in the dock, Young, of Walker Drive, Bishop Auckland, spoke only to make his plea and confirm his name and age.

Shaun Dryden, for Young, said his client had no relevant previous convictions, had a number of health difficulties and told the court the case would benefit from a pre-sentence report.

Prosecutor Paul Abrahams told Judge Christopher Prince that Mr Hebdon’s partner Nicola Diver had expressed a wish to read a victim impact statement in person at the sentencing. Judge Prince imposed an interim disqualification from driving, the length of which will be determined at the sentencing hearing.

The case was adjourned to allow pre-sentence reports to be prepared and Young is due to appear at the same court on Friday, January 26, for sentencing.

Mr Hebdon’s family, including his partner Ms Diver, were present in the gallery during the hearing.

At the time of the 38-year-old’s death, she described him as “fantastic, bubbly, full of life”.