A NORTH Yorkshire woman has been told she must not get behind the wheel of a car for the next four years – after repeated drink-drive offences.

The 47-year old woman from Harrogate has been handed a four year driving ban after being convicted of two drink-driving offences.

Rachael Swinburn-Ledger was first arrested on August 6 and then again on November 3.

On both occasions, Swinburn-Ledger was found to be three times in excess of the legal limit.

Swinburn-Ledger pleaded guilty to both offences when she appeared at Harrogate Magistrates Court.

In addition to the four year driving ban, Swinburn-Ledger also received a 120 unpaid work community order.

Traffic Constable David Minto of Harrogate Road Policing Team said afterwards: “This court result should serve as a stark and sobering reminder to anyone that drink and drug driving in North Yorkshire will not be tolerated. “

“We will utilise every tool at our disposal to bring offenders before the courts and make the roads a much safer place for everyone.”

l The North Yorkshire force is nearly two weeks into its annual Christmas crackdown on drink-drivers – and arrested nine people in the first weekend of the initiative.

Sergeant Andy Morton of the Roads Policing Group said:“I again appeal to drivers, do not get behind that wheel if you are over the limit.

“Be warned, officers are patrolling and as ever, are looking for those tell-tale signs of drink and drug driving.

"You may think your driving is fine, but we know what to look for and we will target you, arrest you and put you in front of the courts.”