A MAN who punched a supermarket security guard in the face has admitted to drinking nearly half a litre of vodka and a couple of pints before his violent outburst.

Darryn Liddell, of Pendleton Road South, in Darlington, had spent the day drinking at the end of October before deciding to shop for food in the town’s North Road Morrisons store.

The 47-year-old told police he “couldn’t recall” being asked to leave the shop after vomiting in an aisle at around 5.30pm on October 27.

Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court heard on Thursday that Liddell became aggressive and began shouting and swearing at staff in the busy supermarket.

Joanne Hesse, prosecuting, said: “The defendant was escorted to the checkout are when he swung a punch at the security officer which connected with his face and knocked his glasses off.

“The shop was full of customers at the time, including children.”

She added: “He’d drank a couple of Foster’s and lagers, a 30cl bottle of vodka and half a 35cl bottle of vodka.

“He’d gone to Morrison’s to buy some food and was making his way to pay for it while eating the food as he went.

“He says he brought it straight back up and he was sick. He said he couldn’t recall being stopped by the security guard and couldn’t recall throwing the punch.”

Liddell pleaded guilty to common assault and harassment causing distress or alarm, with his solicitor, Clive Booth, stating his client was an “alcoholic”.

The case was adjourned before sentencing after Liddell agreed to an restorative justice approach that will see him meeting the security guard he assaulted.