COMMUNITY groups meeting in the Gala Theatre will have to pay 20 per cent more to hire rooms from next year.

Hiring the Durham City theatre costs charities and not-for-profit groups £515 a day.

But Durham City Council has voted to increase this charge to £650.

The rate for commercial groups will increase, from £1,030 to £1,300 per day. All costs are excluding VAT.

Councillor Sue Pitts, the council's portfolio holder for leisure and culture, defended the changes, saying: "This is a reasonable rise and still makes the Gala a good option for any hirer.

"The success of the Gala has meant that demand on the venue has increased dramatically, from both amateur and professional groups wishing to hire the theatre.

"Raising the charges will enable us to better manage this demand.

"Gala's current hire charges are significantly lower than at other similar venues, both within the region and nationally.

"Raising our rates will enable us to get a fair market rate for our services. Gala's hire rates have only risen by £30 per day in the five years since it was opened."

She added: It is on a very satisfactory commercial footing now."

The Gala Theatre opened in 2002 at a cost of £14m. The council took control four months later, after the theatre's management company ran up large debts.