POLICE believe youths were behind a burglary at Barnard Castle Rugby Club last Wednesday evening.

The club, in Birch Road, Barnard Castle, was broken into between 10.30pm on Wednesday and 9am on Thursday after intruders forced a door open.

Sweets, Archers peach schnapps, Jack Daniels whiskey, three pallets of Tango, bottles of Lucozade Sport and 150 packets of crisps were all taken, leading officers to believe the burglars were young.

Also taken from behind the bar was £100 in cash.

"The nature of the things stolen leads us to believe we're looking for youths," said Sergeant Ed Turner of Barnard Castle Police.

"If anyone has heard anyone bragging, or thinks they know who might have done this, we would urge them to come forward."

Anyone with information can call Barnard Castle police on 0845-6060365 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.