OLDER people should be better recognised for the contribution they make to society, says a new report.

Dr Lincoln Sargeant, North Yorkshire’s director of public health, has published his fifth annual report which focusses on growing old in the county.

The report - Healthy transitions: growing old in North Yorkshire - examines the importance of providing the services and infrastructure to ensure that people in the region can enjoy a long, healthy and happy old age.

In the report Dr Sargeant states that older people should be recognised for their contribution to society rather than just people who receive care and support services.

He said: “This year, my report celebrates the fact that people in North Yorkshire are living longer, but also examines what they, and we, need to do to ensure that their quality of life is maintained and that the term ‘an ageing population’ is not perceived negatively.”

Figures show that people aged over 65 make up over 23 per cent of the total population of North Yorkshire, compared to 17 per cent nationally.