HUNDREDS of girls are beginning their summer holidays under canvas.

All members of Girlguiding Cleveland, the youngsters will be joined by Girl Guides from the US, Canada and Japan for a week-long jamboree in the grounds of Skelton Castle, east Cleveland.

The big camp will be divided into small sub-camps and the Guides will have opportunities to learn sailing, climbing and try new crafts.

Evenings will end with the traditional campfire sing-along, or disco.

"Best of all, they will form many friendships, and we know from past experiences that some of those friendships will last a lifetime," said camp organiser and county Guide Commissioner Sue Sotheran, who leads the team of 70 adults who will support the girls. The adults are members of Girlguiding UK.

To earn a place at the camp, each girl had to successfully complete two supervised camps under canvas, to prove that they know how to look after themselves and their tents before being accepted on the adventure.

The camp, which is not open to casual visitors, runs from Saturday to July 28.