FOURTEEN out of 55 retailers in North Yorkshire sold cigarettes to a 15-year-old in recent test purchases led by trading standards officials.

The county's Tobacco Control Strategy aims to inspire a smoke-free generation and one of the priorities is to prevent children having access to tobacco.

Trading Standards undertakes regular test purchasing and a summer survey found that at 26 per cent of retailers tested - 14 out of 55 attempts - 15-year-olds were able to buy cigarettes.

With a strict protocol to follow, the volunteer child helpers who assist Trading Standards are instructed to tell the truth at all times and to provide identification showing their true age if requested.

But despite that, in more than a quarter of attempts no identification was asked for and the sale was made.

County councillor Andrew Lee said: “This is a reminder of the significant role businesses play in protecting children’s health by preventing children accessing all forms of tobacco and nicotine.

“Cigarettes are age-restricted to protect the health of our young people and retailers are urged to be aware of the implications of underage sales."