NORTH Yorkshire Police is joining the campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of stalking during a week of national action.

This week is National Stalking Awareness Week and they're hoping the campaign will raise understanding of stalking and help people see that it is happening.

Det Chief Insp Allan Harder of the Safeguarding team said the definition of stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted behaviour that causes a person to feel distressed or in fear. It does not necessarily mean someone being violent towards another. He added: "Stalking can have a long lasting impact on victims, which can be both physical and psychological. In addition there is often further impact socially and economically.

“The impact can be devastating. North Yorkshire Police want to reassure victims of stalking that we will provide you with the help, support and discretion you need. All reports we receive are taken very seriously.

“We want to encourage anyone who feels like they are suffering at the hands of a Stalker to come and talk to us. We can use the law to help protect you. We do not want anyone to live in fear or distress”.

He advised anyone with concerns to dial 101 or go to their local police station or if they feel they are in immediate danger to always dial 999. He said anyone who does not want to contact the police should get in touch with other agencies or take to friends and family but most importantly not to suffer in silence. Go to for more information.