DUMPED waste will be removed from a river and rubbish cleared from ancient woodland to mark the start of this year’s Big Spring Clean.

The clean-up operation takes place around the River Gaunless, in Bishop Auckland, and litter picked up from further along the river, at West Auckland, on Wednesday, February 24.

Both events will signify the launch of the Big Spring Clean 2016, which is run by Durham County Council, Darlington Borough Council and LitterFree Durham.

The campaign, now in its sixth year, calls on volunteers to help clean up their communities.

The Environment Agency will be clearing a large tree stuck on a weir from the river behind King James Academy and helping to clear up the river debris.

The Skill Mill, a not-for-profit social enterprise which provides employment opportunities for 16 to 18-year-olds, will remove flytipping and detritus from the river and banks in West Auckland, supported by the council.

Almost 2,000 people from County Durham and Darlington took part in last year’s campaign.

To register for a clean-up event in County Durham, email litterfreedurham@durham.gov.uk or call 0300-026-1000, while for Darlington email litterfreedurham@darlington.gov.uk or call 01325-406648.