THE Connie Lush Band is the latest addition to the bill for the sixth annual Durham Blues, Rhythm and Rock Festival.

Widely considered as the UK’s leading blues/soul diva, she brings her three-piece band to the Main Street Stage at the 2016 festival, at the now established venue, at Durham’s Gala Theatre.

They join King King, the Billy Walton Band, Albany Down and Southbound, on a growing list for the festival, which will ultimately feature a dozen acts performing on two stages, between 2 and 10pm, on Saturday, June 18.

A number of “early bird” tickets remain available for £25, “for a limited period”, with the cost rising to £29 nearer the event.

Tickets can be booked via, or via the card hotline, on (01472) 349222, between 9am and 5pm, on Monday to Saturday.