STOCKTON Parish Church was filled to the rafters with hundreds of children singing carols.

More than 300 youngsters from 13 schools across Stockton attended Mayor Ian Dalgarno's carol service, with many showcasing their musical talents.

There were Christmas readings, an interactive nativity and performances from Pentland Primary's recorders group, Rosebrook Primary School Choir, accompanied by their drum group, and Northfield Soloists.

Abbey Hill Academy, St Gregory's Catholic Academy, Junction Farm Prumary, Durham Lane Primary and Crooksbarn Primary also all performed Christmas favourites.

Reverend Mark Miller, Assistant Minister (Curate) of Stockton Parish Church led the service and the interactive nativity which saw selected pupils from Layfield Primary, St Bede’s Catholic Primary and the 11 other schools get dressed up on stage to discuss the true meaning of Christmas.

Pupils from Ingleby Mill Primary School and Mandale Mill Primary School joined the Mayor to share the story of the birth of Jesus through bible readings while Egglescliffe CE Primary School led the congregation in prayer. Stockton Male Voice Choir helped the audience raise the rafters by leading the congregation for two of the carols and Egglescliffe Primary was on hand to lead another.

Children were also treated to a biblical puppet show from the Salt and Light puppets.