FRIENDS and family of a farmer who died of meningitis have launched a campaign to raise awareness of the deadly disease.

Andrew Pounder died a year ago on Friday, four days after complaining of earache and headaches.

The father of two, from Constable Burton, near Leyburn, was only 35 years old.

To raise awareness and funds to tackle the disease, Andrew's friends and family have organised a series of events.

His mother, Carol Pounder, said: "We want to make people aware that meningitis can affect anybody anywhere and can kill within four hours.

"It moves so quickly when it starts. In babies, you're looking out for a rash and high temperatures, but Andrew had none of these.

"I just want people to know that this can happen."

The first event is a three-day charity bike ride from Whitehaven to Tynemouth by eight of Andrew's friends.

The group will set off on Friday, June 29.

The ride is being organised by Shaun Higgins, from Bedale.

He said: "We want to raise money, raise awareness and suport his family. Andrew was my best man and I was his.

"I am godfather to one of his children and he is godfather to one of mine."

To sponsor the bike ride, visit higgins

Sponsorship forms can also be collected from JR Hopper and Co, in Leyburn.

On Sunday, August 6, at 1.30pm, the Upper Wensleydale Gun Club, which Andrew was a member of, will hold an open 30 bird shoot at Arn Gill, near Askrigg.

For details, call Martin Fawcett on 01969-663255.

On Sunday, September 2, a charity horse ride will take place at Constable Burton, with permission of local landowners and farmers.

The ride will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

The entrance fee is £15 for adults (£12 if booked in advance), and £7 for under-14s (£5 in advance).

Call Mrs Pounder on 01677-450283 for more information.

Money from all the events will go to the Meningitis Research Foundation.

The charity funds research to prevent meningitis and septicaemia, promotes education and awareness, and supports those affected by the disease.