A GREAT-GRANDMOTHER and wife of one of the North-East's leading politicians has been inaugurated as chairwoman of Easington District Council.

Outgoing chairman Charlie Walker handed over the chains of office to Councillor Margaret Nugent at the authority's annual meeting.

Coun Nugent, who represents Seaham North ward, has been a town councillor for 16 years, a district councillor for four years and mayor of Seaham, from 1996 to 1997.

She has been married for 47 years to the leader of Durham County Council, Albert Nugent, who will act has her consort during her year of office. The couple have five married children, 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Coun Nugent said: "It is a great honour to be given the position of chairman, and I am looking forward to the coming year.

"I am hoping to spend the next 12 months letting people know about all the hard work the council is doing to drive the district forward, and will be proud to represent both the authority and the district at a local, regional and national level."

Coun Nugent has adopted the NSPCC as her chosen charity during her year as head of the district council.

Coun Walker raised £35,000 for his designated charities over the past 12 months. The Jack Charlton Disabled Angling Association will receive £4,000 and Macmillan Cancer Support will be given £31,500.

The district's new vice-chairman is Leo Taylor, councillor for the Wingate ward.