A PAPER girl from Tow Law has been delivering copies of The Northern Echo all week dressed as a viking to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research.

Jade Armstrong, 15, from the Deerness Estate, is a pupil at Wolsingham Comprehensive School, and raised £100 on the first two days of the week alone.

She has worked as a paper girl for Dreens Newsagents, in Tow Law, since September.

She said: "I was looking at the Breast Cancer Research website one day and realised how good a charity it is. Everyone seems to know somebody who has been affected by breast cancer at some point.

"I love doing my bit for charity and hope I raise a lot more by the end of the week.

"I have been getting some funny stares, but I do not mind as I am doing this for a good cause.

"It has been really good fun so far and people have been very generous."

Jade is collecting money as she walks around her delivery route wearing a fake sheepskin coat, furry black boots and viking hat.