YOUNG performers met the mayor ahead of a popular charity concert this weekend.

Members of the Gala Theatre Stage School gave Mayor of Durham Councillor Jeff Lodge a preview of their opening act for the Mayor's Charity Gala Concert tomorrow, at 7.30pm.

They entertained him with numbers from Avenue Q and Wild Party, which they will perform at the Gala Theatre, in Durham City.

The annual concert, which features the best of local talent and will be compered by Durham FM's Peter Grant, raises money for a variety of good causes.

In addition to the theatre's stage school, performers will include the Durham Masonic Male Voice Choir, Hermitage Comprehensive School, and Durham Musical Theatre Company.

Coun Lodge said; "I have been very grateful for the support given by people to my charity this year.

"It has been given in various ways, not least the voluntary help. The performers have all offered their talent to make this show one to remember."

Proceeds will be distributed between Women's Cancer Detection Society, which provides a breast cancer screening service for women in the Durham, Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland areas, and the Surgical Oncology Fund, based at Durham's University Hospital.

Tickets for the concert, priced £12 or £10 for concessions, can be booked on www.galadurham. or via the Gala box office on 0191-332-4041.