A PRIMARY school has launched a walking bus to improve the health and safety of pupils.

The Hartlepool initiative is part of Rossmere Primary School's school travel plan which aims to increase the travel choices available to pupils and encourage alternatives to the car on the school run.

The bus - the fourth to be launched by schools in the town - comprises two trained adult "operators" who escort children along a designated route, taking in Eskdale Road, Fordyce Road, Dalkeith Road and Catcote Road. Children are picked up at agreed "bus stops" at set times.

Joanne Taylor, Hartlepool Borough Council's travel plan assistant, said: "Walking buses give children the opportunity to develop road safety skills, improve their fitness, get to know their local environment and chat with friends."

The school received £1,000 worth of funding from the Department for Transport towards the cost of setting up the initiative. The grant is part of the Government's Travelling to School project, which aims to reduce car use for journeys to and from school.

The school also recently launched a Walk on Wednesday (WoW) scheme to encourage pupils to walk to school at least once a week.

Headteacher Lisa Biggin said: "We place a lot of emphasis on promoting safe and healthy lifestyles. Both schemes also help to improve the safety of pupils by reducing traffic congestion outside the school.

"Research has also shown that there are academic benefits to be gained, as children who walk to school tend to be more alert than those who travel by car."