A TEENAGE artist who started painting to avoid boredom has launched his first exhibition.

Eleven works by Tom Wilson, a sixth former at St John's School, in Bishop Auckland, have gone on display at Woodhouse Close Library until the end of the month.

Tom, 17, picked up a paintbrush brush for the first time to occupy himself during his summer holiday.

"In the summer before I started sixth form, I made a list of things I wanted to do, so I didn't waste my time, one of which was to paint a picture," he said.

Tom's first subject was his cat, and his interest in animals has continued in more recent work - all but one of the paintings in the exhibition feature animals.

"I was surprised how well it turned out, so I kept going, trying to develop more skills each time," he said.

But a career in the forces, rather than the art world, may lie ahead, with Tom hoping to become a weapons system operator in the RAF.

"I want to keep art a hobby. It's very relaxing and it gives me time to think and reflect."

Library spokeswoman Catherine Dawson said: "We try to encourage local artists when we can, and it's particularly pleasing to feature someone with Tom's youth, talent and enthusiasm."