VISITORS to a library can try their hand at the back-breaking work of Victorian washerwomen at an event to mark Local and Community History Month.

The event, at the Clayport Library, in Durham City, will allow visitors to discover domestic life during the 19th Century, with a bowl of dough to pound, a rug and carpet beater, a poss tub with clothes and a dolly stick to poss.

Visitors will also be able to learn about the use of graters, candles, and sugar lumps in the washing process.

The event takes place on Sunday, May 13 between 2 and 4pm.

Leading dialect expert Dr Bill Griffiths will be at Clayport Library on Tuesday, May 15, to take part in a Wor language event.

The Wor language project explores the North-East dialect, from the impact of the Vikings and Normans. It was influenced by immigration, local industry and trade contacts abroad.

A Wor language display will be on show from 11am to 3pm and Dr Griffiths will talk about the history and development of the dialect at 2pm. The talk is free but places should be booked.