YOUNG clarinet players hit the high notes as they benefited from tips from a musical maestro yesterday.

Durham Music Service took advantage of a visit to the North-East by Hungarian master clarinet player Jozef Balogh.

They persuaded the Klezmer-style expert to give a workshop to young players.

Sixteen clarinetists, aged from 11 to 18, took part in the free two-hour session, staged at St Margaret's CE Primary School, in Durham.

The workshop was organised by woodwind teacher Caroline Burgon, of the county-wide schools' service.

It provides music teaching for more than 4,000 pupils each week.

Ms Burgon said the session was up-beat, and left the young players enthused and eager to try out their new-found skills.

"When we heard he was flying in on Tuesday, before a concert on Saturday, I thought it would be nice for him to work with some of our best young clarinet players.

"It was a tremendous experience for them.

"It was very uplifting, and I'm sure they've learned a lot of different music skills, playing a style they are not familiar with."

Mr Balogh can be heard in a concert with the 20-strong Darlington Clarinet Ensemble and the Tribune Saxophone Octet, at Darlington Arts Centre, tomorrow, at 7.15pm.

Further more information or tickets, telephone 01325- 486555.