A SMALL business owner is being forced to give up his retirement dream and close his chocolate shop over council enforced rent increases.

Frank Hewison, owner of Truffles in the Durham Dales Centre, Stanhope, first opened his shop doors four-and-a-half years ago after serving as a police officer for almost 40 years.

After his three year lease ended, Mr Hewison received a letter from Business Durham advising that his rent was going to rise by 25 per cent and the service charge by 201 per cent, equating to an extra 41 per cent in charges.

“When I queried the charges they basically said that this site had to pay for itself and not rely on the tax payer, which I totally agree with, but the increase is so huge that it’s driving out businesses," he said.

“Eight tenants have moved out so far - including the police - and it means I also now have to close the business.

“I’m absolutely gutted that it's come to this and so is my family. I wanted to keep the business running till I was at least 65 and instead I am being forced out now.

“I’m appalled with how everything has been dealt with and have real concerns about the management of Business Durham. Their attitude has been ‘take it or leave it’ from the start and like me, businesses are leaving.”

Marie Land, owner of Gemcraft in the Dales Centre, added: “We are definitely not planning on closing but the increase is worrying. Our charges have gone up 54 per cent.

“We want to keep the prices down as much as we can because everyone is going through a tough time at the moment so we are hoping we can just sell more. It’s a real shame that Frank is leaving.”

Simon Goon, managing director of Business Durham, said: “Although we cannot comment on individual agreements, the rents for units at the Dales Centre had been unchanged for 10 years until the recent review which only increased prices to a fair and current market value.

“At Business Durham we’re committed to encouraging businesses in the county to prosper however, we have a duty to ensure value for money for council tax payers which is why rents are now regularly reviewed at all of our properties countywide.

“People renting properties move for a variety of reasons with cost being important but only one of a number of factors. For example, this could be to find a more suitable location for their needs, as the police have recently done, or to buy a unit outright as their business grows.”