SCHOOL children were given a royal treat last week as a professional theatre group visited to perform a Shakespeare play.

Youngsters from around the county travelled to Crook Primary School, which was hosting The Royal Shakespeare Company for the second time.

The group performed their version of ‘The Famous Victories of Henry V’ and used props designed and created by some of the students.

Barbara Gentles, of Crook Primary School said: “When the company got in touch and asked if they could come and perform we said yes straight away, because we know how amazing they are.

“We have had pupils from nine other schools with us today, and it’s gone extremely well. The students have loved it, it’s been really entertaining and it is a fantastic way for them learn.”

The performance told the story of Prince Hal and his journey into becoming King Henry V, a topic the children have been studying.

Julia Waite, of The Royal Shakespeare Company, added: “The performance has gone really well, it’s very interactive and that helps the children feel like they are a part of it.

“Everyone seems to have really enjoyed it and the idea of the schools making some of the key props has been fantastic. We look forward to visiting again in the future.”