A FUNDRAISING dog and horse show in aid of stables that were burnt down last month took place in Spennymoor today (Monday, May 4).

The fire killed five horses at Station House Stables in Sunderland, and left farm owners Judith and Dean Mould devastated.

Nikki Skinner said she organised the fundraiser at Misty Blue Farm in Kirk Merrington to do whatever she could to help.

“I used to keep my horses near the village where the fire was and my friend lost two of her horses. When I heard about the fire it was awful, it could have so easily been our horses,” she said.

“We have a show every month so it was already organised, but this time we decided to hold it in support of Station House Stables to do whatever we could to help.

“It’s very much been a team effort, with loads of people helping out. Amanda Surtees especially has never stopped, and she set up a fundraising page that’s had more than £2,500 in donations.”

The line up of events included several competitions for horse and dog owners, a fancy dress competition and a raffle.

Mrs Skinner added: “I feel really proud that the horse riding community has come together like this. Judith and Dean came and judged for us today and I know they are really grateful for the support.”

The funds raised will go to the owners whose horses died in the fire.

The next fundraising event at Misty Blue Farm will be a music concert on July 19 in aid of Cystic Fibrosis. For more information contact Mrs Skinner on 07900 240542.