FRIENDS of a much-loved musician who took his own life are holding a charity concert in his memory.

The second 'Robfest' music concert - held in honour of Robert Brown, who died aged 27 - will be held at Stockton's Georgian Theatre on Saturday, January 10.

At the inquest held last year, his father said he was proud his son's friends had organised the event and how one young man who attended the festival revealed it had prompted him to seek help for his own feelings of depression.

Mr Brown, a guitarist and keyboard player from Stokesley, died at Huntcliff, Saltburn, in June, 2013 and the concert is held in January to coincide with his birthday.

One of the Robfest organisers, Gina McBride, thanked Mr Brown's mother and father, Dave and June Brown, for their support and said Dave Rutherford, Tom Joyce and Jon Elliot had also helped establish the event.

She said: "It is in memory of a very dear friend and last year it was extremely successful. Thousands of people turned up throughout the day to watch the fantastic live music on offer. The whole day was run by volunteers and all the bands that played, most of which were professional, offered to play for free. As a result of this we raised thousands of pounds for Mind, the mental health charity and raised awareness of mental health issues."

The festival starts at 3pm and finishes at midnight. Advance tickets are sold out but tickets can still be purchased on the door for £8. Find out more at