A COUNCIL street cleaner saved the day for a shopper who lost her handbag in Bishop Auckland.

Kevin Longstaff, 45 who lives in the Gurney Valley, found the bag on a bench in Newgate Street.

Shopper Mary McArthur, 59, had put the bag on the bench, but forgot to pick it up. The retired recruitment advisor from Ryder Court, Woodham, had been preparing for a holiday.

She said: "I had everything in there - credit cards, car and house keys, money, my spectacles. I was even taking a gold bracelet to the jewellers.

"I was sorting out my shopping on a bench and I put my handbag down at the same time and walked away without it.

"I didn't realise until I got to the butchers and I didn't have any money to pay for some pies. I raced outside and Kevin was waiting for me with the bag.

"He realised I was panicking and put two and two together. I was so grateful."

Mr Longstaff has worked for the council for 14 years and has come to people's rescue several times in the past.

He stopped thieves in their tracks and handed in numerous lost wallets and bags.

He said: "Honesty is always the best policy. It's just all in a day's work."