RECORD numbers of people have boarded a jobs bus touring the Wear Valley district with training, benefits or employment advice.

The Wear Valley Employment Team has been taking the bus around towns and villages through a Choices programme to help people find jobs.

In a normal week, drivers Frank Ripley, David Jackson and Gemma Bird advise between ten and 20 people.

The project is funded by the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund.

The team is seconded to Wear Valley District Council and all have Department for Work and Pensions or Jobcentre Plus experience.

In Bishop Auckland recently, 12 people visited the bus in just two hours.

Mr Ripley said: "We usually get economically-inactive people looking for ways out of their situation.

"Ninety five per cent that come onto the bus, we are able to help in some way.

Ms Bird said: "We get everybody from school leavers to pensioners on board the bus looking for advice.

"We wouldn't turn anyone away. We usually find some way to help."

For more information, contact the team on 01388-458181.