SCHOOLCHILDREN held their own Festival of Light after being inspired by the Hindu festival Diwali.

More than 150 pupils at Evergreen Primary School, in Bishop Auckland, got involved in the project as part of their school topic ‘Colour my World’.

Each class created a collection of lumiere projects which were lit up in their sensory garden and each pupil made a lantern which lined a pathway through the garden where a special evening for parents and visitors was held on Monday, November 24.

Lightning bugs, an angel and some Minions were just a few of the glowing projects to admire as well as a full-size human figure made from sticky tape which stood illuminated by LED lights on the school field.

The event was brought to a close with a firework finale.

Faye James, acting assistant head responsible for curriculum, said: "The festival was a huge success. Over 200 parents, carers and governors attended.

“It was amazing to see the whole school come together to create such a spectacular event, everyone contributed.

“Parents and visitors were overwhelmed by the atmosphere when they walked through the sensory garden with all the illuminated projects. It was quite emotional.

“Staff and children have all worked extremely hard and I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful team."