A YOUNG girl who chose to have 14 inches of her hair cut off for charity has been recognised at a community awards event.

Sophie Simpson, of Crook, chose to chop off her long hair so that it could be made into a wig by the Little Princess Trust for use by a child who has lost their hair through cancer treatment.

The nine-year-old, who was inspired to do something to help cancer sufferers after she lost her uncle to the disease, has also raised the £350 needed by the trust to turn her hair into a wig.

The youngster was nominated by the Durham branch of the Newcastle Building Society and went on to win the Cornerstone Branch Award at a gala event in Newcastle last month.

The Cornerstone of the Community Awards recognise the positive impact that individuals and groups across the area.

Branch manager David Pearson said: "We hear a lot of stories from our customers about local people who make a real difference to our community, and the Cornerstone Awards give us the chance to give some wider recognition to someone who stands out from the crowd.

"Sophie's is a lovely story of kindness and consideration towards others less fortunate than herself - she got a great reaction from all the guests at our gala presentation event, and thoroughly deserves her award.”