POLICE officers behaved in a “disgraceful” and “shocking” manner, the family of Kirk Williams said after an inquest jury revealed its verdict.

Melanie and John Williams are “devastated” that police did not take their 26-year-old son, who was agitated and delusional after taking a concoction of drugs, to hospital after arresting him in April 2011.

They hope that lessons can be learned from the inquest, which concluded police made “inappropriate” decisions about their son's treatment.

Mrs Williams, 51, said: “Before we did not know any information about what happened to Kirk and I am grateful that the coroner has been very thorough in his investigations.

“The police should have taken Kirk to hospital and I am just devastated that they did not do that.

“He was a fantastic son – he was really pleasant and everybody liked his personality. It is just heart-breaking.

“He thought the world of his family and brothers. He was a caring person who was mischievous and like everybody he took the wrong path for a short while before he settled down.”

Mrs Williams was particularly concerned that police had to be recalled back to the stand after new CCTV footage merited fresh clarification.

“It is just terrible, terrible circumstances. It is absolutely disgraceful,” she said. “I thank PC Christopher Taylor. He was a genuine man.

“I still have not been able to disperse Kirk’s ashes. I am just a mum and I am broken-hearted.

“We have been to the inquest every day and I have cried throughout all the evidence given but at the same time it has been so important to get the truth. It is shocking. The one thing that is important to me is that lessons are learned.”

Mr Williams, 55, said: “I feel angry every day. I still think of him every day. It is always on my mind that I have lost my son.”