CHASING a burglar barefoot, confronting an intruder and catching a robber who stole a woman’s handbag are all actions which have been honoured by police.

Andrew Taylor, Stephanie Walker and Stephen Vipond were presented with certificates of commendation from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) by Durham Police Chief Constable Mike Barton on Monday (June 16).

In March 2012, after discovering a break-in at his home in Carmel Road, Darlington, a man scoured the area in his taxi and came across a man who was in possession of some of the stolen property.

As the victim chased him he was joined by Mr Taylor, who was 17-years-old at the time, and his father Paul.

The teenager ran more than a mile-and-a-half in his bare feet before the burglar was caught and later charged with burglary. Mr Taylor needed treatment for a foot injury sustained during the chase.

Mr Barton said: “All three men displayed great public spirit and courage, but Andrew’s efforts in chasing the man barefoot over such a distance were quite remarkable.”

In another burglary in a house in Willington in January last year, Stephanie Walker confronted an intruder whilst alone.

He claimed he had only run into the house as he was being chased by other men who were armed with knives, and allowed her to search him.

While doing so, a bus ticket fell out of the man’s pocket which Miss Walker, who was 20-years-old at the time, later handed to the police.

Officers were then able to trace the offender through the help of the bus company and her description, which resulted in him being linked to a burglary.

“Stephanie’s quick thinking, courage and nerve provided key evidence to the investigation. This resulted in a career criminal being convicted for both burglaries,” said Mr Barton.

On January 29, Mr Vipond managed to retrieve a handbag belonging to a woman in her 60s after a man snatched it in Westgate Road, Bishop Auckland. The 57-year-old was one of two men who helped restrain the suspect until the police arrived and subsequently charged him with robbery. The case is yet to go to court.

Mr Barton added: “The victim was left extremely shaken by the incident, but Mr Vipond’s prompt action and bravery enabled the police to charge the suspect in a short period of time."