BRITAIN’S best anglers will be landing in the North-East this weekend for a national fishing contest.

About 120 trout anglers from England and Wales will compete at the Derwent Reservoir in County Durham on Saturday (May 17) in the Water Industry Game Fishing Championships (WIGFiC).

Six-strong teams from the country’s big ten water and sewerage companies, each of the Environment Agency’s regions and the Canal and River Trust will take part in the fly fishing contest.

Northumbrian Water are the reigning champions, having taken the team title for the last two years.

More than 20 prizes and trophies will be awarded at a VIP ceremony after the match at the Derwent Manor Hotel, near Consett.

Don Coe, Northumbrian Water’s Operation Manager Waterside Parks and Fisheries, said: "It is an honour to stage this major competition which is the equivalent in the industry of the champions league final.

"We are delighted to be able to nationally showcase our premier Derwent reservoir trout fishery which is one of the best attended fishing reservoirs in the country.

"It would also be fantastic if we could win again on our home water – no team has ever won the title for three consecutive years since the championships began in 1980 – but the competition will be really tough."

He added: "We would also like to thank our regular anglers for their cooperation with the reservoir being closed to fishing on the day and apologise for any inconvenience caused."