A TALENTED teenager is becoming an artist to the stars after a succession of celebrities praised her work.

Self-taught artist Emilia Apreda, from Whitburn, has impressed stars such as Taylor Swift and stars of Little Mix for her talent of drawing portraits from their photographs.

The 18-year-old’s confidence in her ability grew when Little Mix singers Perrie Edwards and Jade Thirlwall praised her work on the social network Twitter after they saw their portraits two years ago.

Emilia is now being contacted by celebrities and their fans around the world to buy the young artist’s prints.

She said: “I knew I wanted to draw all of Little Mix, but because Perrie and Jade are from South Shields – which is very close to me – I took to them the most.

“To hear the girls praise me after doing so well themselves not only gave me hope but belief that I could achieve similar heights in art.

“I hope to be as big as them coming from the same background and having a dream.”

Emilia's mum Ursula Apreda, 51, is also a self-taught artist who has always supported her.

It was Perrie’s mum Deborah Hogg, who showed her daughter the portrait Emilia drew for her.

She said: “Emilia is such a humble girl.

“I honestly thought it was her mother that drew them as I thought she was only 16 at the time. But watching her draw, it was amazing.”

American star Taylor Swift also praised Emilia’s work at a concert in London in January this year, which she said was “mind blowing”.

• For a video of the drawing of Perrie Edwards being created, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImtGg9ICzUE&list=TLjgwvAcMA4B9aN8gnl4bxCF_Onangbwrh