AN ANGRY parent of a former Richmond School student has launched an online petition demanding to know the truth about the resignation of its governors.

Howard Smith said the petition, which will be sent to Education Secretary Michael Gove MP and to North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) Children and Young Persons Service, asks for the warning notice originally sent to the governors to be published in full.

He is also demanding an independent investigation into the events that led up to the resignation.

Following the governors’ resignation in February, North Yorkshire County Council has introduced an interim executive board, and a meeting will be held for parents by the board next week.

Mr Smith said: “For many years Richmond School has enjoyed a good reputation locally and until recently my son studied there.

“But then a February press report told us that the governors had all resigned.

“No explanation was given to parents or enquirers, and in a reported letter to NYCC those governors said that they were prevented from 'holding to account the school's leadership team'.

“Some weeks later, following pressure from press, parents and public, NYCC released a statement which gave little information but which implied that it was simply a matter of awkward governors disagreeing with Local Education Authority policies for the school.”

Mr Smith added: “That seems unlikely.

“It is clear there are major problems regarding management and accountability and they should not be brushed under the carpet.

“Since the governor resignations we have been kept in the dark.

"Students, parents and the local community have a right to know what has happened.”

Richmond county councillor Stuart Parsons said: “I want the county council to come clean about what happened with the governors and put this matter to bed so we can move forward.

“It’s been rumbling on for so long now and there’s a huge amount of disquiet among parents, pupils and staff – I have had around 250 letters from people voicing their concerns.”

The council said in a statement: “As a matter of urgency the new governors intend to review all key school issues currently outstanding.

“The school has recorded an improving trend in results – which are significantly above the national and county average – and improvement in school attendance.

“That is not to say, however, that further progress is not needed or possible.”

Richmond School is holding a meeting for parents on Thursday, April 3, at 6.30pm.

For information on the petition, visit